Getting to Know the New Bulk Unit Assignment (BUA) Board
Designed for student properties, the New Bulk Unit Assignment (BUA) board simplifies your workflow for unit space assignment, roommate selection, and notifications for residents. In this article, you'll learn about the different features available on the New Bulk Unit Assignment board.
To view the BUA in Entrata, go to Residents >> Bulk Unit Assignments.
You can filter the unit mix for unit spaces and the waitlist for residents that match your chosen criteria using the following drop-down menus:
A. Property: This drop-down allows you to filter for spaces at a specific property.
B. Lease Term: This drop-down allows you to filter for spaces in a specific lease term.
C. Interest Questions: This button locks and unlocks the ability for residents to edit roommate interest questions in ResidentPortal.
D. Floor Plan: This drop-down allows you to filter for spaces in a specific floor plan. If you click the floor plan icon next to the floor plan drop-down, an image of the selected floor plan appears.
E. Space Configuration: This drop-down allows you to filter for spaces with specific space options assigned to them, such as Private or Shared. Space configurations can be set up in the property settings.
F. Unit Space Amenity: This drop-down allows you to filter for spaces with unit space amenities assigned to them. Unit space amenities can be set up in the property settings.
G. Unit Gender: This option allows you to filter for spaces with specific genders assigned to them, such as Female, Male, and Not Set. Unit gender can be assigned in the property settings.
Leasing Progress Tracker
The progress tracker shows how many unit spaces are still open, how many residents with the selected floor plan you still need to assign, and what percentage of the floor plans and property's units have been filled.
You can view leasing progress for all floor plans by clicking Details next to Property Total, which opens the Property Leasing Progress screen.
Unit Mix
The unit mix section displays below the filters. It shows the units and/or unit spaces that match the values you selected from the filters.
A. Units Filled: The Units Filled toggle determines what information displays in the unit mix section. By default, it is toggled to Show filled units. Toggling to Hide removes completely occupied units from the unit mix and only displays units that have spaces available for assignments.
B. Resident/Unit Search Bar: This search bar allows you to search for a specific resident or unit in the unit mix. Enter the name of the resident or the unit number into this field.
C. Building and Unit Number: This is the building and unit number of the unit with an open space.
D. Best Match: Clicking Best Match on a unit brings up a prioritized list of students on the Assignment List whose preference and interest responses best match those of the other students in the unit.
E. Spaces: The Spaces detail for each unit displays the number of leasable spaces or beds in that unit. Each space shows if it is open to receive a placement or if it has already had a student assigned. If a student has already been placed in a space, you will see their information appear in that space, otherwise, it will be open. The next steps for a student who has been placed will appear at the bottom of the unit space after placement. Details such as status, name, gender, and more are also visible after placement.
F. Reset Units: Clicking Reset Units opens the Reset Unit Assignments window, where you can choose which placed residents to remove from your current filter selection and return to the Assignment List. Any residents with the status of Current or Notice will not be removed from their unit spaces.
G. Unlock All: Clicking Unlock All unlocks only unnotified students. To use this setting, you must have the correct permissions.
H. Select Gender: Select a gender to filter the Unit Mix for unit spaces set for the specified gender.
I. Unit Mix Actions: At the bottom of the screen, there are 2 buttons that allow you to complete actions. You can click Send Messaging to send notifications for new lease and renewal assignments, or Lock All Filled Unit Spaces to make all filled unit spaces no longer editable.
Unit Space Details
The space details for each unit display the number of leasable spaces or beds in that unit. Each space shows if it is open to receive a placement or if it has already had a student assigned. If a student has already been placed in a space, you will see their information appear in that space, otherwise, it will be open.
Each space within a unit is represented by a box that displays in the unit mix. This box includes additional information about that specific unit space.
A. Space Name: The space name is usually a letter, but can be entered as a number or even a full name if desired, and represents a rentable space (bed) in a unit.
B. Space Configuration: The space configuration is the assignment of a space option to a particular unit space, indicating the room type. This is a helpful assignment tool as it helps ensure that students choosing a specific space option are placed in a unit space with a matching configuration. Space configuration can be set up for all terms or for specific terms within your Unit property settings.
C. Unit Space Amenities: Clicking on this icon opens a pop-up window that lists any amenities associated with the unit space. The number next to the icon represents the number of amenities the unit space has, so you can see at a glance if the space has any unit space amenities.
D. Unit Space Notes: Clicking the notes icon opens the Unit Notes window, where you can view or add any notes about the space. The number next to the icon represents the current number of notes, so you can see at a glance if the space has any existing notes.
Student Card Details
Student cards, which you are able to drag and drop from the Assignment List to a space within the Unit Mix, display details about each student to help you place them in the best possible unit space.
A. Student Name: The name of the student displays in the top left corner of their card.
B. Status: The status of the student appears directly under their name on their card. This is the same as their lease status.
C. Gender: The gender of the student appears in the top-right corner of their card. M for Male and F for Female. This information is helpful when filling units that have a set gender.
D. Lease Signed: The date the student signed their lease displays on their card.
E. Space Option: The student's desired space option chosen in their application.
F. Resident BUA Notes: Any BUA resident notes will display in the notes section. The number next to the notes icon indicates the current number of notes. These notes will also appear in the Activity Log in the student's Resident Profile.
G. Lock and Notification Status: Once a student has been placed in a unit space, a lock icon appears to indicate whether they have been locked into the space or not. A notification status displays next to the lock icon, letting you know whether the resident has been notified or not.
Assignment List Actions
The Assignment List displays students still needing to be assigned to a unit for the selected lease term. The student assignment list displays in the Assignment List section on the left-hand side of the screen. This section includes preference filters and a list of residents whose preferences match the unit spaces in the unit mix.
A. Roommate Interest Filters: Clicking Filters Applied opens the Roommate Interest Filters window, where you can filter for residents based on their responses to the roommate interest questions. In the window, you can click Reset All to reset the filters or Apply Filters to set the selected filters.
B. Search Field: Enter a name into this field to search for a specific individual in the Assignment List who still needs to be assigned to a unit/space.
- To view the floor plan Image, click the floor plan icon
next to the Floor plan drop-down to view the image.
- When you hover over the text Units Filled, a pop-up displays the number of filled units by gender (Co-ed, Female, Male, and Not Specified).
- If Co-ed is enabled, gender will be set automatically based on assignments. If co-ed is disabled, gender can be set manually for pre-planning purposes, but it will also set automatically if no gender is set prior to placements. You can also set a unit's gender back to no gender if the unit is vacant.
Related Articles:
- Creating a Roommate Group on the Bulk Unit Assignment (BUA) Board
- Assigning Residents to Open Spaces on the Bulk Unit Assignment (BUA) Board
- Editing Roommate Interest Questions from the Bulk Unit Assignment (BUA) Board
- Adding a BUA Resident Note from the Bulk Unit Assignment Board
- Sending Unit Assignment Notifications